Additional Services
See how we help the wastewater sector with additional services – including odor evaluations, assisting with nutrient trading implementation, developing bid-specs and/or request for information documents for our clients, and others.

Odor Evaluations
Odors from biosolids have become an important concern for utilities, especially during staging, storage and/or land application activities. Material Matters is experienced in identifying and evaluating product and site malodors and assisting clients with resolving odor problems. Olfactometry evaluation techniques including Multi-Assessor Repeat Observation with Field Olfactometry equipment, have been implemented to assess odors and their impact on surrounding areas, including air modeling software.

Nutrient Trading
Multiple states have initiated nutrient trading programs for wastewater treatment facilities, municipal stormwater programs, and the agricultural sector to meet nutrient and sediment loading goals in protected waterways.
Material Matters has been engaged with Pennsylvania’s nutrient trading program since 2013. Our team has assisted many clients meet their nutrient credit needs from both point-source and non-point sources, by facilitating trades and researching the market year in and year out.
Our team is currently investigating other nutrient trading programs, with a plan for expansion into other states in upcoming years.

Bid-Specs and Request for Information
At Material Matters, we recognize the importance of developing a set of technical requirements in a bid document (Requests for Proposals) for the management of wastewater solids which will both satisfy the utility’s unique service needs and deliver competitive pricing from bidders. We have experience with all aspects of the bidding process, including developing and/or reviewing bid specification documents, advertising the bid, and participating with pre-bid and bidding activities