Research and Pilot Studies
See how the experts at Material Matters help clients discover and pioneer unique solutions to their specific challenges.

Research and Support for New Treatment Solutions
At Material Matters, we recognize the importance of providing scientific support through research and pilot studies to develop creative solutions for everyday problems and to support innovative technologies new to the industry. We have assisted clients with the development and execution of research projects to solve operational challenges, to provide support to regulatory agencies, and to provide evidence for to support or overturn well established assumptions in the water and wastewater industries.

Pilot Studies for Solids Processing
In conjunction with research studies, Material Matters understands pilot studies are critical to evaluate both innovative (i.e., electro-dewatering) and tried-and-true technologies (i.e., lime addition, in-direct thermal drying) at their plant. Because each wastewater treatment plant is unique in flow, influent characteristics, nutrient loading, and set up, it is critical to conduct a pilot study of a selected technology to avoid wasted time and money on a technology unable to meet the plant’s needs.