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Client: Hampden Township (for Gannett Fleming)

Project: Hampden Township Wastewater Odor Control Study
Project Type: Odor Evaluation
Industry: Utilities
Location: Hampden Township, PA
Wastewater treatment plant.


To optimize treatment and performance, and to mitigate nuisance odors emitted from the conveyance and treatment processes from facilities owned and operated by the Hampden Township Sewer Authority, Material Matter, Inc. teamed with Gannett Fleming, Inc. and to evaluate and propose solutions to the problem.

Odor Approach diagram.


Material Matters, Inc. developed and implemented an odor emission sampling plan to quantify nuisance odors originating from the collection system (pump stations and air release facilities) and the WWTP. Nuisance odor measurements focused on human olfactometry techniques using both field and laboratory assessment methods. Olfactometry assessments were supplemented with electronic field instrument measurements.

Hampden Township as seen form above with an arrow showing the direction of the prevailing wind.

Outcomes and Benefits

Findings from the sampling and odor assessment study were reported to the Authority in a memorandum characterizing and quantifying nuisance odors originating from specific emission points in the wastewater collection and WWTP systems. This information was provided to Gannett Fleming engineers to prioritize, target, and facilitate design of mitigation measures intended to reduce nuisance odor episodes experienced by neighbors.

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Contact us to schedule a call with one of our technical project managers. During this call, we’ll listen to your goals and see how we can help you find a solution for your wastewater or residual challenge.

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